Child & Family Services

Parenting Assessments

This assessments will look at the parent’s personal history, views and attitudes toward parenting, understanding of child development and the child’s needs, the resourcefulness of the parent to seek help and support and who forms their support network. 

At Social Work Reports our Independent  Social Workers will complete a holistic assessments drawing together a family history recognising the existing strengths and skills of the child and family.

‘Parent Assessment Manual’ Assessments

‘Parent Assessment Manual’ Assessments are also known as PAMS assessments and include assessment of:

  • child care and development
  • behaviour management
  • independent living skills
  • safety and hygiene
  • parents’ health
  • relationships and support
  • the impact of the environment and community on parenting.

Our trained, independent Social Workers will use this tool to ensure that parents fully understand and are involved in the assessment process. Importantly, the child’s experience of being parented and their views are considered. The parent is also helped to understand the impact of their parenting.


ParentAssess is a specialist framework that is designed to assess parents with a learning disability or additional issues such as:

• mental health
• trauma
• exploitation
• domestic abuse
• alcohol or drug misuse
• offending

Our trained, independent Social Workers will use this tool to ensure that parents fully understand and are involved in the assessment process. Importantly, the child’s experience of being parented and their views are considered. The parent is also helped to understand the impact of their parenting.

Special Guardianship Order

A Special Guardianship Order (SGO) is an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian. It is intended for those children who cannot live with their parents and would benefit from a legally secure placement.

Section 37 Investigation

This enquiry in to a child’s circumstances by our independent social worker covers all aspects of the case.  This report aims to ascertain whether the significant harm threshold has been met and to assist in the subsequent decision making process.

Viability Assessments

These assessments are carried out by our Independent Social Workers who collate evidence which produces a comprehensive report on alternative childcare arrangements for children who cannot remain with their parents.

Connected Persons Assessment

These assessments are carried out by our Independent Social Workers who collate evidence which produces a comprehensive report on whether a child can be cared for by a specific family member.

Section 7 Reports

This assessment and subsequent report informs the court of a child’s wishes and feelings in cases where parents no longer live together and continue not to be in agreement about where their child should live or what contact they will have with the absent parent.

Merton-compliant Age Assessments

An independent assessment from a trained Social Worker who has undergone training in the holistic and thorough completion of the Merton template from The Refugee Council in London. Up to date research and findings are used to complete the Merton Assessment using dental research and growth patterns in differing nationalities. We have a very good success rate with these assessments being used in the High Court.

Contact us to discuss your situation further or call us on 07951155726