Social Work Reports Ltd was formed in 2009 by Angeline Seymour whose team of Independent Social Workers covers the United Kingdom. We draw upon the training and expertise of a wide variety of Independent Social Workers from all over the country to help you achieve your objectives. Their curricula vitae are available on request.
Angeline Seymour – Director of SOCIAL WORK REPORTS Ltd
A BA (Hons) Senior Social Worker who has worked as an Approved Mental Health Professional, specialising in Mental Health as well as Child and Family work. Angeline holds the PQSW and has a wealth of experience in compiling court and tribunal reports for a wide variety of clients using health and social care services. Trained in the use of the Merton-compliant (Age) Assessments, the brief assessment of personality disorder (PCLR-SV) risk of sexual violence (RSVP) and dangerousness (HCR 20) risk assessments and holds the Cardiff University Law School Bond Solon Family Expert Witness Certificate encompassing Family Law and Procedure.
Contact us to discuss your situation further or call us on 07951155726